Hallo liebe Exakta Freunde,
es ist soweit, die Auflage ist ausverkauft.



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Im Folgenden ein paar Informationen zu dem Buch:
Das Buch hat 168 Seiten, 559 Fotos und Illustrationen, teils in Farbe.

Text in Englisch und Deutsch!!!!
Die Auflage beträgt 100 signierte Hardcover- (ausverkauft!!!) und 400 Paperback-Ausgaben ( ausverkauft!).

Vorserienmodelle und Prototypen - Vergoldete und farbig belederte Kameras - Werksumbauten - Private Umbauten - Exas - USA-Variationen - Weitwinkel-Objektive - Normalobjektive -Teleobjektive bis 135mm - Teleobjektive bis 1000mm - Makroobjektive - Piesker Objektive - Standard Exakta - Wechselobjektive zur Standard Exakta - Objektive zur Exakta 66 - Stereo - Adaptierte Objektive - Objektivfälschungen - Militär und Polizei - Zubehör - Werbeartikel und Dekoration - Noch ein paar interessante Sachen - Kine Exakta oder Sport - Die frühen Kine Exakta - Kine Exakta Varex - Karl Nüchterlein





Viele Grüße

Klaus Rademaker



Exakta Obscurities
by Gary Cullen, with Klaus Rademaker
German Title - "Exakta Seltsames und Seltenes"
Text in English and German, 168 pages, 8X11 inches. 559 photos and illustrations including a colour section. 100 hardcover (sorry, sold out!), signed by the authors, ISBN 0-9689868-0-3, 400 softcover (sold out!), ISBN 0-9689868-1-1
Table of Contents
1) Pre-Production and Prototypes 2) Gold Plated and Coloured Cameras 3) Factory Modifications 4) User Modifications 5) Exas 6) USA Variations (24 face-plate variations that were used to remove the Varex name for the US market) 7) Wide Angle Lenses 8) Standard Lenses 9) Tele lenses 75-135mm 10) Tele lenses 145-1000mm 11) Macro Lenses 12) Piesker Lenses 13) Vest Pocket Exaktas 14) Vest Pocket Lenses 15) Exakta 66 Lenses 16) Stereo 17) Modified Lenses 18) Fake Lenses 19) Military and Police Equipment 20) Accessories 21) Promotional and Decorative Items 22) Other Interesting Things (a mixed bag of unusual and
rare equipment) 23) Kine Exakta or Sport, which was first? 24) The Earliest Kine Exaktas 25) Kine Exakta "Varex" 26) Karl Nüchterlein, the Father of the Exakta.

Comments on "Exakta Obscurities"by Gary Cullen
My goal was to present rare and unusual Exaktas - ones different from what had already been shown in A&R's book or any of the other Exakta books already in print. Ninety per cent of the Exakta items in my book have not been published before. It presents a fantastic collection of photos and information on some of the most interesting Exakta equipment to surface in the last 15 years. One chapter is a detailed revue of Richard Hummel's work on proving the Kine Exakta beat the Russian Sport by 20 months as the world's first 35mm SLR. Another chapter is on the earliest Kine Exaktas that have some pre-production parts. This small batch of cameras are extremely important historically because they represent the world's earliest surviving 35mm SLR's. There's a chapter on the Kine Exakta "Varex", an early post-war Exakta that was never built and also a chapter dedicated to the father of the Exakta, Karl Nuchterlein. I'm sure you will enjoy it! - Gary



Gary Cullen, P.O. Box 1035, Delta, B.C., V4M 3T2, Canada


Gary Cullen bei der Überwachung des Druckes.... ;-)
